Whether you need something to carry just a few essentials, or you like to be able to bring around everything and the kitchen sink, a handbag is an essential part of your everyday life. Of course, that also begs the question: can you ever have just one? With our Sale & Clearance Handbags page, we answer the questions for you: of course you can’t! With these prices and styles, you can grab a purse for every mood.

Our handbags combine function with fashion–so you never have to decide between having room for your phone or wearing something out that looks fabulous. From kitschy to classy, our designer handbags are ready to match your mood, personality, outfit, or all three.

Check out our bestsellers for inspiration on what other Betsey fans are adoring. You'll find a range of colors, patterns, and designs, showing that taste is as unique as our purses. We love pairing our kitschy and realtor-inspired bags with colorful dresses for a bold statement, or pairing them with muted colors as the bit of flair that every true outfit needs.

We love our totes for days when you need to be able to carry a little extra–such as beach trips, road trips, or girls trips. Or grab one of our iconic shaped bags to show that you are a true fashionista when out on the town, or in the office.