Of course, we all have our own versions of the little black dress. It's the perfect outfit for just about any occasion. But, what about the lesser-known but equally-essential black handbag? The perfect black handbag gives style, function, and fabulousness. No matter your purse style wants or your purse size needs, we've got your new favorite handbag waiting for you at Betsey Johnson.

Some of us use a credit card holder, while others prefer a continental wallet. We like to keep accessories on hand, from our phone to several tubes of lipstick to even a snack for the road. We all have different needs, but size doesn't matter, because our collection offers everything from billfold to weekender-sized bags. Our Skullicious Satchel in Black is an elegant, yet spunky bag that fits just about anything. So, no matter what you're carrying around, you'll be carrying it with style.

Speaking of style, we have several options available. Bow bags, tote bags, clutches, and shoulders, to name a few. If you like a long strap, a short strap, or no strap, we’ve got you covered. From simple and sophisticated to big and bold with skulls on it, you'll find a black handbag that simply screams "you."